Ven. Maria Luisa Merkert – Medal W/ 2Nd Class Free Relic-Relique Reliquia
Venerable Maria Luisa Merket -OLD Relic medal – ex indumentis
Golden brass reliquary medal with ex indumentis. A piece of ancient history always with you to cherish and to hold.
Nun’s estate.
Beautiful item to treasure for years to come. Bring it always with you, with a chain around your neck. It’s a special treasure to keep near to your heart.
The life and work of Mother Maria Merkert was animated by a spirit of ardent charity for the suffering members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Her sequela Christi was marked by a radical and creative dedication to the sick and the most needy by putting into practice Jesus’ words, “As you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25: 40).
Mother Maria’s maternal solicitude was also directed toward her Sisters, to whom she gave a lofty spiritual and moral formation characterized by a profound spirit of humility.
Mother Maria’s generalate lasted 22 years, until her holy death on 14 November 1872 at the age of 55. During her lifetime approximately 500 Sisters joined the Congregation, which permitted her to enrich the Church with 90 religious houses in nine dioceses.
On 16 July 1964 her mortal remains were laid in the crypt of the Church of St James in Nysa, and on 19 September 1998 they were translated to a side chapel of the same Church.
On 20 December 2004 Pope John Paul II declared her Venerable.