St Francis Of Assisi – Franciscan Medal – Blessed By Pope Francis
Saint Francis of Assisi had a special place in his heart for all wild creatures. Sometimes he would gather the forest creatures and kneel among them offering bits of his meager supper. He especially loved the birds. In one of his most famous stories Saint Francis gave a sermon for the Birds. He gathered a flock of winged friends who flew in close so they could hear these words:
My sweet little sisters, oh, birds of the sky, you are bound unto heaven, to God, your Creator. In every beat of your wing and every note of your song praise Him. He has given you the greatest of gifts, the liberty of the air. You neither sow, nor reap, yet God provides for you the most delicious morsels, streams and lakes to quench your thirst, hill and dale for your home, tall trees to build your nests, and the most beautiful clothing, a change of feathers with every season. You and your kind were preserved in the Ark of Noah. Clearly, Creator loves you most dearly, His gifts flow forth in abundance; so please be careful of the sin of thanklessness, and always sing out your praises for the Lord, our God!