Agnus Dei Sacramental -Silvered Medal Pendant Charm Medalla – Blessed By Pope
A Great Medal – Blessed by Pope Francis – A Agnus Dei locket heart
This is a beautiful small medal that I’ve acquired during my treasure hunting.
This is a little locket heart made in silver oxidized metal with inside a piece of blessed wax covered by acrylic material to preserve it.
Comes from the Carmelites nuns.
I’ve brought it to be blessed by Pope Francis.
It’s perfect to be attached to your rosary or bracelet.
I have also one available in brass (golden colored) metal. Look it up in my store or ask me about it.
The name “Agnus Dei” was given to special discs of wax impressed with the figure of a lamb, the “Lamb of God” which were blessed by the reigning Pope in a ceremony so solemn that the Pope was said to consecrate the sacramentals. Popes traditionally consecrated Agnus Deis only during the first year of their pontificate and again every seven years.
Daily Prayer For Those Who Carry An Agnus Dei
Jesus, my Savior, true Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, by Thy infinite mercy, I beseech Thee to pardon my iniquities. By Thy sacred Passion I beseech Thee preserve me this day from sin and shield me from all evil. To Thy honor and glory I carry about with me this blessed Agnus Dei as a protection to my soul and body, and as an incentive to practice the virtues which Thou has inculcated, especially meekness, humility, purity and charity.
In memory of that sacrifice of love which Thou didst offer for me and all mankind on Calvary, I consecrate my whole being to thee. Thou didst die on the cross for love of me; let me die to self for love of Thee! Keep me in Thy love and Thy grace to the end of my life, that I may bless Thee forever with the saints in heaven. Amen.